Typical Course of Study Grade 6 Curriculum Guide

Social Studies

* Global and regional studies
* Countries and cultures of Africa, Latin America, Asia, Australia, the Pacific, and Europe
* Native American cultures
* The Roman Empire
* Relationships among nations: customs, traditions and beliefs, political and economic systems
* United Nations
* Milestones in human achievement
* Transportation and communication
* World trade
* Citizenship and social responsibility
* World geography
* Map and globe skills



* Classification of living things
* Ecosystems
* Ecology and the environment
* Microbes
* Algae and fungi
* Human body
* Food for growth and energy
* Climate and weather
* Recycling of resources
* Elementary geology
* Oceans
* Electric and magnetic interactions
* Electricity and its uses
* Sound, light, and heat
* Nuclear energy and radioactivity
* Solar and geothermal energy
* Conservation
* Elements and compounds
* Universe
* Simple astronomy
* Space and space travel
* Scientific theory
* Inventions and discoveries


Language Arts

* Reading silently and skimming
* Critical reading skills
* Introduction to mythology
* Types of literature
* Lyric, narrative, dramatic poetry
* Listening skills
* Nonverbal communication
* Extending dictionary skills
* Vocabulary building
* Homonyms, synonyms, antonyms
* Using roots, prefixes, and suffixes
* Spelling
* Concepts of noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb
* Sentence structure
* Diagramming sentences
* Cursive handwriting
* Types of writing: narration, description, exposition, persuasion
* Simple note taking
* Writing outlines, letters, factual matter (reports, newspaper articles), verse (limericks, ballads), creative prose (diary, stories)
* Bibliography building
* Organization of a book
* Using reference books and indexes
* Using on-line information services, CD-ROM's, and other electronic reference materials


Health and Safety

* Personal appearance
* Dental health
* Health maintenance
* Our food supply
* Exercise and fitness
* Cure and prevention of common diseases
* The heart
* Accident prevention
* Safety and first aid
* The health professions
* Understanding emotions
* Coping with stress and anxiety
* Preparing for puberty
* Human reproduction
* Substance abuse



* Exponents
* Operation of powers
* Set of the integers
* Factoring
* Fundamental operations with fractions, and decimals
* Fundamental operations with compound denominate numbers
* Multiplying and dividing common fractions and mixed numbers
* Relationship between common and decimal fractions
* Problems in percent
* Properties, identification, and construction of geometric figures
* Identification and measurement of angles
* Concepts of similarity, congruence, and symmetry
* Scale drawings
* Customary and metric measurement
* Problem analysis
* Interpreting graphs
* Concepts of averaging and sampling
* Use of calculators and computers