Typical Course of Study Grade 9 Curriculum Guide

Social Studies

* Basic human communities
* Community, state, and national government
* Political parties and elections
* Comparative cultures and religions
* African American, Hispanic, and other ethnic studies
* Urban studies
* Women in our history
* Conservation, including human conservation
* Resource management
* Elementary economics
* Labor and management
* Taxation
* Foundations of American democracy
* U. S. Constitution
* Rights and responsibilities of good citizenship
* United Nations
* World geography
* Advanced map and globe skills


* Earth's history
* Earth science
* Ecology and environment
* Weather and climate
* Air and air pressure
* Air masses and fronts
* Water and its uses
* Erosion
* Air and water pollution
* Heats and fuels
* Electricity and electronics
* Solar and nuclear energy
* Nature and uses of light
* Simple and complex machines
* Atomic structure
* Chemistry of matter
* Molecular theory
* Nature and use of chemicals
* Metals and plastics
* Space and astronomy
* Space travel
* Nature and causes of disease


Language Arts

* Evaluating material for accuracy
* Reading the newspaper
* Analyzing propaganda
* Advertising
* Drama and film
* Analyzing poetry
* Dramatic poetry
* Using poetry anthologies
* Novel and short story
* Folklore and myths
* Structure of a play
* Parable and allegory
* Interpretation of literature
* Listening skills
* Effective discussion techniques and questioning skills
* Preparing a speech
* Public speaking and debate
* The unabridged dictionary
* Vocabulary
* Foreign words used in English
* Grammar
* Fundamentals of composition
* Report writing
* Extended reference skills
* Special indexes


General mathematics
* Ratio and proportion
* Basic concepts of statistics
* Mathematical vocabulary
* irect and indirect measurement
* Banks and banking
* Investment
* Budgeting
* Insurance
* Taxation
* Graphs and tables
* Informal geometry
* Elementary algebra
* Customary and metric measurement

Algebra 1
* Absolute value
* Sets and their relationships
* Properties of polynomial forms
* Equations
* Signed numbers
* Fundamental operations
* Equations of the first degree
* Ratio, proportion, variation
* Relations and functions
* Special products and factoring
* Fractions and fractional equations
* Square roots
* Radicals
* Quadratic equations
* Elements of probability