Charles Kelly's Online Quiz Generator
Quiz Maker / Quiz Creator / Quiz Builder / Quiz Writer / Quiz Producer

This is still being worked on. Everything on this page works , but at this time only multiple-choice quizzes can be produced.

About | Quiz Generator

What does this page do?

From this page you can generate a quiz that can be printed to paper or put online in various formats.

How do I generate a quiz?

For best results, read all of the steps below before trying to generate a quiz.

Step 1: Type the quiz data in your word processor or text editor.

Read the the "about" page to find out how to format the data.

Step 2: Put your data in the box below.

- -
NOTE There should be NO RETURNS before the first line of data.

NOTE There should be one and only one RETURN after the last line. If you get an error, this is the probably where you made your mistake.

Step 3: Choose the kind of quiz you want to generate.

  1. Use the quiz in your classroom.
  2. Create a quiz that can be put on your own web server.
  3. Generate a quiz that can be contributed to
    These must be hosted on our web server.
  4. If the data is formatted as a bilingual word list, try these.
  5. Still Very Experimental.

Step 4: Click the button to generate the quiz.

Step 5: Save or print the resulting web page.

Step 6: Contribute the quiz to (Optional)

Paste the same data that you put in the above box into the web form, then click the "submit" button.


Save your original data file. You may want to use it again in the future. You can easily add or delete questions from the same file and re-generate the quiz.

Copyright (C) 2003 by Charles Kelly