L  a  G r a n  E n c i c l o p e d i a   I l u s t r a d a  d e l   P r o y e c t o  S a l ó n  H o g a r



Let's go outside.

What's the weather like today?

It's hot and sunny.

Let's go and play.


I have a swimsuit, I have a dress,

I have my tennis shoes, they're my best.

Let's go outside.

What's the weather like today?

It's rainy and cold.

No, let's stay inside and play.


Proyecto Salón Hogar


Answer after the rhyme.


   1. When do the children go outside to play?


   When it is __________________________.



   2. What do they do when it's rainy and cold?


   They ____________________________________________.




Circle and write the correct answer.


   1. The word play rhymes with the word _________________. (today / cold)



   2. When it's hot and sunny, the children _________________. (stay inside / play outside)




Unscramble the words and phrases.


   1. atherwe       ______________________


   2. nnysu          ______________________


   3. cdol             ______________________



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A, E, I, O, U


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Julie’s Very Lonely Day


One day, little Julie Gómez was very lonely and bored.

What could she do?

She found a jar of paint and a box of art supplies and drew a yellow oval, two orange triangles, and two black squiggles.

But the butterfly smelled a sweet pink flower growing in the garden and flew away to find it.

So Julie grabbed some clay and made a green oval, a red circle, a gold triangle, and a purple triangle.

But the bird felt the lift of a blue jay's wings, and she flew away to join her friends.

So Julie got a brush and painted two green ovals, two little green circle, and long jagged legs.

But the frog's belly growled when a mosquito buzzed by, and he jumped away to catch it.

So Julie sketched two big brown ovals, four rectangles, two triangles, and a long tail to wag.

But the dog saw a cat creeping by, and he leapt off the paper to chase it away. Julie was still lonely.

She glued together shapes of all colors and made a collage of many little boys and girls.

She drew brown eyes and green eyes, blue eyes and gray eyes, and triangle noses.

Then Julie began to sing. And as heard her song...

one by one, the children jumped off the page. And Julie was not lonely anymore.


Cristina Cordova Suárez (Puerto Rico)

Answer these Questions


1. What was the little girl's full name?



2. What do Julie did when she was bored?



3. What happened when Julie began to sing?




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Activities areas

Let’s Read!



1) How Julie feel at the beggining of the story?

a) sad

b) angry

c) happy

d) bored


2) Mention the things that made julie feel less lonely in the story

a) art supplies

b) a hungry frog

c) joyful children

d) a bird flying


Match the pictures with the art materials Julie used to create them.