L  a  G r a n  E n c i c l o p e d i a   I l u s t r a d a  d e l   P r o y e c t o  S a l ó n  H o g a r



Chapter: 1



The Ugly Duckling


Proyecto Salón Hogar



   It was a beautiful day in the country. The sun shone on the green grass, and birds flew in the bright

blue sky.
The air was full of summer.

   There was an old farmhouse not far from a pond. The grass near this pond was soft and tall. It was in

this lovely place that a mother duck had made her nest.


   It was time for the mother duck to hatch her ducklings. What a long job it was! She had sat on her eggs

for days and days. At last, one began to crack, and out came a little yellow duckling. The other eggs

began to hatch, too, and soon there were many little ducklings.


  "Oh, what a big world this is!" said the ducklings. Now they had much more room to move in than when

they were in the eggs.


  "Do you think this is the world?" said their mother. "Why, the world goes way past this nest, right into

that garden over there! Now, let me see, are we all here?"


   There was still one egg in the nest. "How much longer can this take?" she said. The mother duck sat

down on the egg and waited some more. At last she heard a loud CRACK. A big gray duckling came out

of the shell. It was very large and very ugly.


   The ugly duckling looked at the mother duck and said, "Peep, peep, peep."


  "You don t look like one of my ducklings," said the mother. "You re too big and gray." The ugly duckling

made a sad peep.


  "Well," said the mother, "we'II see about you. All ducks can swim. Lets see if you can." With that, the

mother duck took all the ducklings down to the pond.


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  "You must be my duckling" said the proud mother to the ugly duckling. "Why, look how well you swim.

Come. Let me show you to my friends," she said and took her ducklings to meet the other ducks.


   The other ducks were not at all kind to the ugly duckling. "What a strange duckling!" they said. "Send

him away! He's too ugly to be with us."


   The ducks picked on the ugly duckling to no end. They bit his neck and legs. As time went on, things

didn't get any better.

   The duckling felt so ugly and alone that he ran away.


   The sad, little ugly duckling went very far. When night came, he saw a house. The door was open a

bit, so he went in.

A woman lived in the house with her cat and her hen. When she saw the ugly duckling, she thought he

could lay eggs like a hen.

  "Now I'll have duck eggs" said the woman. She let the ugly duckling stay.

   The cat and the hen were very hard to live with. They picked on the ugly duckling all of the time

because he could not lay eggs like a hen or climb like a cat. Once again, the ugly duckling felt sad and


   One day the ugly duckling thought of how he missed the country. He thought of the bright sun and the

lovely green grass.

But more than anything, he wanted to be in the pond. He wanted to swim and feel the water all around

him. He told the cat and the hen about it.


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  "How silly you are, you poor, ugly duckling," they said. "No one who is anything would want to be in


  "You don't understand," said the ugly duckling.

  "Be quiet," said the cat, "and be glad you have friends who can tell you what's right. Just see to it that

you lay some eggs soon." The ugly duckling knew it was time to leave the woman s house, so off he


   Fall came. The leaves turned red and yellow. Soon they fell off the trees and began to blow about. The

wind grew stronger and stronger. The air grew colder and colder.

   One day, the ugly duckling saw some big birds fly out from behind some trees. He had never seen

such beautiful birds. They were white, with long, lovely necks and strong wings.

   The ugly duckling watched them fly higher and higher into the air. He felt very strange. He didn't know

what the birds were called or where they were going, but he felt so close to them in his heart. He wanted

to be with them. As they flew away, the ugly duckling let out a sad cry. He would always remember those

beautiful birds.

   Winter came. It grew very, very cold. The duckling had to keep moving through the wind and the snow

and the ice, so he would not freeze.



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   It would be too sad to tell all the hard times the ugly duckling had that winter. Lets just say that the sun

began to get warm again, and spring came at last.

   One warm spring day, the duckling flew up into the air. His wings felt very strong. He had never gone

so high or so fast.

He felt proud. Soon he was flying over a lovely garden with a pond. In the pond were those beautiful,

white birds he had seen before. When the ugly duckling saw them, he got that same strange feeling


  "I must be near them," he thought. "I know they will not talk to me because I am so ugly. But I must go to

them. They are so beautiful." And then he flew down to the pond.

   The ugly duckling swam near the beautiful, white birds. They saw him and swam close to him. The

poor duckling put his head down in shame, because he thought he looked so ugly. But when he looked

down, what did he see in the water?

   He saw a beautiful, white bird, not an ugly duckling. He was just like the others. He could not believe it

was true. Two children were playing in the garden. They called out with joy, "Look! Look at the new

swan. He is the most beautiful swan of all."

   Then three great swans came up to the new swan and stroked

him with their beaks. They, too, thought he was beautiful.

He was proud and full of joy, for he had friends at last.


Hans Christian Andersen





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1) Why did the ugly duckling run away?

   A. The other ducklings made fun of him.

   B. He wanted to be with the swans.

   C. He was looking for his mother.


2) Why did the other animals make fun of the ugly duckling?

   A. They were jealous of his beauty.

   B. He looked different from them.

   C. He scared them.


3) How did the way they treated the ugly duckling make him feel?

   A. He didn't care.

   B. He felt proud.

   C. He felt ashamed.


4) How does the ugly duckling feel when he sees the beautiful white birds?

   A. sad

   B. happy

   C. confused

   D. angry


5) Why does the ugly duckling put his head down in shame when he sees the beautiful white birds?

   A. He feels ashamed because they are beautiful and he is ugly.

   B. He feels ashamed because he cannot fly like them.

   C. He dropped something on the ground.


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  6) What did the ugly duckling see in the water?

   A. an ugly duckling

   B. a beautiful duck

   C. himself


7) What is the best message for this story?

   A. Some people do not care whether we are beautiful or ugly.

   B. How we feel about ourselves changes the way we see ourselves.

   C. We shouldn't laugh at people for being different.

   D. Ugly ducklings can turn into beautiful swans.


Write two or three sentences to explain whether or not the ugly duckling is ugly.






Story Blocks

An author is a person who writes a story or other text.

   Examples: Hans Christian Andersen, Harry Allard, Polly Powell


1) What is an author?

   A. a mechanic

   B. a doctor

   C. a writer

   D. a teacher


2) Who is the author of the story "The Ugly Duckling"?

   A. Harry Allard

   B. Ben Morris

   C. Hans Christian Andersen

   D. Polly Powell


3) If you were an author, what would you write about?






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An illustrator is a person who draws or points the pictures for a story or other text.

   Examples: Maria Wernicke, Walter Torres, Nivea Ortiz


1) What is an illustrator?

   A. a surgeon

   B. a laborer

   C. a writer

   D. an artist


Letters and Sounds

Words are made up of letters. Some letters are called consonants. Consonants may appear at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of a word.

   Examples: duck, garden, pond


Circle the consonants that each group has in common.

1) pond




2) climb




3) room




4) leaves




Change one consonant in each word to create a new word.

   1) hen     ____________

   2) far       ____________

   3) hard    ____________

   4) joy      ____________

5) cat     ____________

6) tall     ____________

7) wing  ____________

8) kind   ____________


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Consonant clusters are two or more consonants that appear together in a word and keep their own sounds when read aloud.

   Examples: proud, blow, swim, strange, heart, world


Circle the consonant clusters.

1) pond




2) climb




3) farm




4) warm





Circle the consonant clusters and then match the words that begin with the same consonant cluster.















Circle the consonant clusters. Then match the words that end with the same consonant cluster.















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Grammar: The Sentence

A sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete thought. A sentence always begins with a capital letter and ends with a period, exclamation point, or question mark.

   Examples: "The ugly duckling swam near the beautiful white birds." - This is a sentence because it 
                      expresses a complete thought.

                     "The Ugly Duckling" - This is not a sentence because it does not express a complete           
                       thought. What  about the ugly duckling? What did he do?

                     "swam near the beautiful white birds." - This is not a sentence because it does not express
                       a complete thought. Who or what did this?

Read the following groups of words. Think about whether they express a complete thought. Then mark the complete sentences.

   __ 1. a beautiful day in the country

   __ 2. The sun shone.

   __ 3. The grass near the pond.

   __ 4. The pond was a lovely place.

   __ 5. The eggs began to hatch.

   __ 6. the swan


Write another ending for "The Ugly Duckling". Make sure your sentences have complete thoughts.







Match the groups of words to form complete sentences.

   __ 1. The ducks

   __ 2. The sad, little, ugly duckling

   __ 3. A woman

   __ 4. She thought he

   __ 5. The cat and the hen

   __ 6. Once again, the ugly duckling

A. felt sad and alone.

B. could lay eggs like a hen.

C. picked on the ugly duckling.

D. lived in the house with her cat and hen.

E. ran away.

F. were very hard to live with.

Write the word that best completes the sentences.

   1. The egg cracked/climbed _______________ and a duck/duckling _______________ came out.

   2. The beautiful/ugly duckling _______________ was proud/ashamed _______________.

   3. He liked to blow/swim _______________ in the pond/farmhouse _______________ in the

        tree/country _______________.


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The Maglev Train

   Is it a bird, is it a plane...? No, it's the new Chinese Maglev train - the fastest train in the world! Hold on to your seat, because this train travels very fast! It travels from downtown Shanghai, the largest and richest city in China, to the airport.

This train has no wheels or engine. Magnets lift the train off the tracks and control its movement and speed. The Maglev travels at 300 kilometers an hour! The 30 kilometer journey takes minutes. So hold on!


Look up in the dictionary.

   1. magnets: __________________________________________________

   2. lift the train: _________________________________________________

   3. tracks: _____________________________________________________



   1. What is different about this train?


   2. How does it move so fast?


   3. How fast does it travel?




   The train is located in _______________. It's name is the ______________ train.

It is the ______________ train in the _________________.


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