Finding Foster

Dog barked and barked and ran around the neighborhood.

But Foster was not there.

On a nearby farm, Pig heard Dog bark.

He  searched for Foster beneath the mud.

But Foster was not there.

Owl saw Pig search beneath the filthy mud.

She flew over the fields to search the skies.

But Foster was not there.

Fish saw Owl fly over the sea. He searched across the oceans and rivers.

But Foster was not there.

Crab saw Fish race around. He searched under the rocks and in the sand .

But Foster was not there.

Spider saw Crab crawl under a rock.

She searched throughout the rain forest.

But Foster was not there.

Parrot saw spider crawl upon a leaf. He let out a screech that rang through the tree.

But Foster did not answer.

Far away in the zoo, Tiger heard Parrot screech. He let out a fierce roar.

But there was no reply.

Giraffe heard Tiger roar. She stretched her long neck above the mountains.

But Foster was not there.

Seeing Giraffe, Firefly wanted to help, too. "It's no use," said the others. "What can you do?"

So Firefly flew and flashed her fire.

And suddenly...

Foster was there!

Foster ran after Firefly, trying to catch her in his hands to see the fire between his fingers.


Cristina Cordova Suárez

(Puerto Rico)


Answer these Question


1. Who were they looking for?



2. Mention 3 friends that were looking for Foster.



3. Who saw Foster?



4. What did Foster do when he saw Firefly
