L  a  G r a n  E n c i c l o p e d i a   I l u s t r a d a  d e l   P r o y e c t o  S a l ó n  H o g a r

Chapter 10: The Singing Bird



Read the passage. Then answer questions about the passage below.

  Proyecto Salón Hogar


Ben has two cats.

Their names are Max and Tito.

Max is black.

Tito is brown.

Max has green eyes.

Tito has blue eyes.

Max is black with green eyes.

Tito is brown with blue eyes.

They are fast.

They are beautiful.

They are fast and beautiful.

Ben also has a bird.

Her name is Lily.

Lily likes to sing.

Lily sings every day.

Sometimes, she sings very loud.

Max and Tito try to discover who is singing.

They look everywhere! Finally, they see who is singing.

It is Lily! They sit and watch her sing.


   Page 1



1) How many cats does Ben have?

   A. Ben has one cat.

   B. Ben has two cats.

   C. Ben has three cats.

   D. Ben has four cats.


2) What are Max and Tito like?
     Check all that are correct.

   __ A. big

   __ B. fast

   __ C. mean

   __ D. beautiful



3) What color are Tito's eyes?

   A. _________________


4) What is the name of the bird?

   A. _______________


5) What color is Max?

   A. _________________


6) Who is singing?

   A. _________________



Page 2


A Cold Day

Directions: Read the story. Then answer the questions below.

   It is a frigid January day in York, Pennsylvania. The temperature is below freezing. Snow is starting to fall. Dr. James

turns on the television to check the weather. He must leave for his work at the hospital soon.


  “Today is going to be very cold,” says the TV weatherman. “Be sure to wear very warm clothes when you go outside.

Also, be careful driving on the roads. Snowfall will make them slippery. In fact, if you can stay home today, do it!”


   Dr. James cannot stay home. Very sick people are waiting to see him at the hospital. He goes to his closet. He takes

out the warmest clothes he has. He puts on a sweater, jacket, gloves, socks, boots and a hat.


   He opens his front door to go to work. A gust of cold air blows inside. “Wow, it is very cold outside,” Dr. James says. He

is from Miami and does not like the cold. “The weatherman was right!”


   Before he can drive to work, Dr. James must clear the snow off his car. He does this very fast.

He hops in the car. He shivers. His neck feels especially cold. Dr. James drives slowly to work.


   Everyone else is driving slowly, too. There is a lot of traffic on the road. There are cars in front and behind. Suddenly, the

cars in front of Dr. James come to a stop.


   There has been an accident! Dr. James hurries from his car to check on the driver of the car that has swerved off the

road. “Is everyone okay?” Dr. James asks. “Yes, yes, we are fine. We slipped on a patch of ice,” the driver says.


“This would have been a good day to stay home in bed.”


Page 3



1) What does it mean if the weather is frigid ?

   A. It is very cold.

   B. It is very rainy.

   C. It is very windy.

   D. It is very slippery.

2) In what city does this story take place?

   A. Florida

   B. Miami

   C. Pennsylvania

   D. York

3) Why doesn't Dr. James stay home today?

   A. There are sick people waiting for him.

   B. He does not believe the weatherman.

   C. He has to clear the snow off his car.

   D. He must help the people in the accident.

4) What could Dr. James have put on his neck to keep it warm?

   A. mittens

   B. a scarf

   C. another hat

   D. an undershirt


5) What does Dr. James do before he leaves for work?
     Check all that are correct.

   __ A. dresses warmly

   __ B. calls the hospital

   __ C. watches the weather

   __ D. clears the snow from his car


6) Given what is said in the story, what is most likely true about Miami?

   A. It is a hot place.

   B. It is a rainy place.

   C. It is a windy place.

   D. It is a place where people drive slowly.


7) How are people driving today?

   A. badly

   B. slowly

   C. very fast

   D. like they do not care




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8) What does it mean if the roads are slippery?

   A. The roads are full of cars.

   B. The roads are easy to slide on.

   C. The roads are very long and curvy.

   D. The roads lead to a place with lots of snow.


9) Why does Dr. James clear the snow off his car quickly?

   A. He is very cold.

   B. He is late for work.

   C. He knows his patients are waiting.

   D. He knows he will have to drive slowly.


10) There is a lot of traffic on the road.
       Choose another way to write this sentence.

   __ A. There is a lot of snow on the road.

   __ B. There are a lot of cars on the road.

   __ C. There are a lot of accidents on the road.

   __ D. There are a lot of people walking on the road.


11) Why did the car have an accident?

   A. because it was snowing outside

   B. because Dr. James hit the car  

   C. because it was so cold outside

   D. because the car slipped on a patch of ice


12) What is an accident?

   A. something that happens only with cars

   B. something that happens only in the snow

   C. something that happens that has not been planned

   D. something that happens because other people want it to


13) What is the weatherman right about?
       Check all that are correct.

   __ A. It is a windy day

   __ B. It is very cold outside.

   __ C. The roads are slippery.

   __ D. There will be an accident.


MC900440405.PNG14) Why does Dr. James hurry from his car after the accident?

   A. He is very cold.

   B. He wants to get to the hospital.

   C. He is worried about his patients.

   D. He wants to make sure the people in the car are okay.


Page 5



Summer Camp

Writing: Practice – Finish the Story

Read the story below. Then finish it with your own writing.


  Today was my first day at summer camp! I had a lot of fun. I had to wake up very early. My dad dropped me off at

the park and I met my counselor. Her name was Jamie.

   There were nine other people in my group. The first thing that we did was go on a nature hike. The hike was long. We

walked through the entire park. I saw two squirrels and a rabbit.

   I was afraid that I was going to see a snake. It was hot and I got a lot of bug bites. After the hike, we had arts and

crafts. I made a bookmark to take home with me. I colored it blue and used a lot of glitter. After arts and crafts, we

played my favorite game!











Page 6





Grammar: Simple Present Tense Verbs

A verb used to express repeated actions, like habits and daily events, are called simple present tense verbs.

   Examples: I run once a month. He runs twice a month.

Also the simple present tense verbs are used to express sensations or feelings. There are three categories for them.

   Abstract:                 to be, to want, to seem, to owe, to need, etc.

   Possession:           to belong, to own, to possess, etc.

   Emotion:                 to feel, to love, to like, to fear, to hate, etc.

Simple present tense can be easy to remember because it has two forms, root verb and the root verb +s.

   Root verb:               I, you, we, they walk (root verb)

   Root verb + s:        he, she, it walks (root verb + s)

Verbs that end with letters s, z, sh, or ch, add -es.

   Examples: he passes (pass), the wasp buzzes (buzz), the boy wishes (wish)

Verbs that end with a consonant and the letter y, change the y > i then add -es.

   Examples: she tries (try), the owl flies (fly)


Use the simple present tense verb form of these words to write sentences.
  shop     buy     walk     talk     teach     skip     smile      love      run     read

   1. ______________________________________________________________________________________

   2. ______________________________________________________________________________________

   3. ______________________________________________________________________________________

   4. ______________________________________________________________________________________

   5. ______________________________________________________________________________________

   6. ______________________________________________________________________________________

   7. ______________________________________________________________________________________

   8. ______________________________________________________________________________________

   9. ______________________________________________________________________________________

 10. ______________________________________________________________________________________



Page 7





Asking Questions About a Picture

Directions: Ask a question about the pictures below.

   1. ______________________________________________________________________________________


   2. ______________________________________________________________________________________


   3. ______________________________________________________________________________________


   4. ______________________________________________________________________________________




Page 8



Vocabulary: Word Search

Directions: Circle as many words as you can find.






Then write them in the spaces below.

Words may be written down, from left to right, or diagonally from left to right.


1) __________________________

2) __________________________

3) __________________________

4) __________________________

5) __________________________

6) __________________________

7) __________________________


Word Construction

Directions: Use the letters below to form as many words as you can in 5 minutes.

You may only use each letter in the list once to form a word.

   Example: T O  “to”, not “too”

                           C, A, T, R, E,

 1. ___________________  6. ___________________  11. __________________
 2. ___________________  7. ___________________  12. __________________
 3. ___________________  8. ___________________  13. __________________
 4. ___________________  9. ___________________  14. __________________
 5. ___________________  10. __________________  15. __________________

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