9) Who goes with Levi to the store?
Check all that are correct.
__ A. his grandma
__ B. his mom
__ C. his sister
__ D. his uncle
10) What does Levi buy for himself?
A. ________________________
11) How much money does Levi have left
after buying the tool kit?
A. $20 plus $12
B. $20 minus $12
C. $20 times $12
D. $20 divided by $12
12) Why does Levi's mom call him a
sweet boy?
A. because it is his birthday
B. because he eats a lot of candy on
his birthday
C. because he waits until the next
day to go to the store
D. because he buys something for his
mom and little sister
If you had twenty dollars, what would
you buy with it? Why?