L  a  G r a n  E n c i c l o p e d i a   I l u s t r a d a  d e l   P r o y e c t o  S a l ó n  H o g a r


Chapter 9: The Interview



Read the passage. Then answer questions about the passage below.

  Proyecto Salón Hogar


  Jethro gets ready for his job interview. He takes a shower. He shaves. He brushes his teeth. He cuts his fingernails.

He combs his hair. He puts on the new suit he bought just for today. Jethro feels confident . He is also very nervous . Here

is why. Jethro graduated at the top of his class in college. Still, Jethro knows the economy is bad. His dad just lost his job

at the bank a few weeks ago! Many people are interviewing for the very same job. There is a lot of competition. Jethro is

still positive. He thinks he has a good chance of getting the job at the technology company. Jethro arrives at his interview

at 9:45. He is 15 minutes early. “Have a seat. Mr. Stone will be right with you,” the receptionist says. Jethro sits.

    He thinks about what he has learned to do in an interview. Look people in the eye. Give a firm handshake. Speak

clearly. Jethro feels ready. “Mr. Stone is ready to see you now,” the receptionist says.

    Jethro takes a deep breath and walks into Mr. Stone’s office. “Good to meet you, sir,” Jethro says and gives Mr. Stone

a firm handshake and a smile.



1) What kind of job is Jethro interviewing for?

   A. a college job

   B. a banking job

   C. a technology job

   D. a receptionist job


2) What is one thing Jethro does to get ready?

   A. He talks to his dad.

   B. He calls Mr. Stone.

   C. He eats breakfast.

   D. He cuts his fingernails.


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3) What time is Jethro's interview?

   A. 9:30

   B. 9:45

   C. 10:00

   D. 10:15

4) What does it mean to be confident ?

   A. to be early

   B. to be sure

   C. to be worried

   D. to be nervous   


5) Why might Jethro be nervous?

   A. He did not do well in school.

   B. He is not a very good speaker.

   C. He does not like to wear suits.

   D. Many others are interviewing for the same job.

6) What is competition ?

   A. when people get ready to go out

   B. when people go for a job interview

   C. when people feel they are not good enough

   D. when many people are going after the same thing


7) Why is it good that Jethro gets to his interview early?

   A. It gives Jethro time to think.

   B. It helps Jethro speak clearly.

   C. Mr. Stone likes people to be early.

   D. The receptionist asks him to be there early.


8) What has Jethro learned to do in an interview?

   A. be positive

   B. tell good jokes

   C. talk about college

   D. look people in the eye


9) Why might Jethro be positive about getting this job?

   A. The economy is bad.

   B. He did well in school.

   C. Jethro's dad lost his job.

   D. He knows Mr. Stone well.


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Sentence Completion

Directions: Choose the best word to complete each sentence.


1) Twenty-two is a _______.  

   A. food

   B. number

   C. color

   D. car


2) Baseball is a _______.

   A. country

   B. city

   C. sport

   D. vegetable


3) Italy is a _______.

   A. country

   B. sport

   C. city

   D. color

4) Green is a _______.

   A. fruit

   B. language

   C. number

   D. color


5) A banana is a _______.

   A. man

   B. fruit

   C. number

   D. language


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6) Spanish is a _______.

   A. country

   B. number

   C. woman

   D. language


7) A lion is _______.

   A. a city

   B. an animal

   C. a vegetable

   D. a child


8) Paris is a _______.

   A. sport

   B. language

   C. number

   D. city

9) Antonio is a _______.

   A. color

   B. boy

   C. woman

   D. language

10) Mrs. Lily is a _______.

   A. woman

   B. city

   C. child

   D. language



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  Grammar: Articles

Definite articles are used to assign nouns that refer to specific persons, places, or things. Only one definite article exists, definite article the. Used both with singular and plural nouns.

   Examples: the person, the people

Indefinite articles are used to assign nouns that refer to general people, places, or things.
Three indefinite articles exist, a, an, and some. Singular nouns use a and an. Plural nouns use some.

   Examples: a person, an ant, some people

For words starting with a vowel you will an before the word. An exception to the rule is the letter u, these words will use the indefinite article a.

   Example: a umbrella, a unicorn, a unicycle

Place the correct indefinite article for the nouns.

   ___________   1. panda

   ___________   2. pear

   ___________   3. elephant

   ___________   4. apple

   ___________   5. tiger

   ___________   6. uncle

   ___________   7. snakes

   ___________   8. usher

   ___________   9. liver

   ___________ 10. bee



Words that are used to expressed actions are called verbs. Tenses are the time frames that the actions take place.
The verb can take different forms. A basic verb form is called the root of the verb.

   Basic forms: run, jump, live,
   Sentence: The people live well.

The infinitive of the verb is the word to before the root of the verb.

   Infinitive forms: to run, to jump, to live
   Sentence: The man likes to jump over things.

Finish each sentence with a verb from the list.

        loves       visit       listen       fly         hurry

   1. The woman __________ the movie theater.

   2. Why __________ to the new store opening?

   3. Many people __________ the museum here.

   4. The children __________ well for their age.

   5. The owl likes to __________ at night.


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  Find the verb in each sentence and circle it.

   1. Many animals live in the forest.

   2. Some trees grow to be too tall.

   3. In the mountains, the clouds touch the trees.

   4. It is interesting to observe ocean life.

   5. The people of China live very hard.

   6. Rain clouds move very fast in a storm.

   7. The music sounds good in these speakers.

   8. Communication with other cultures is not easy.

   9. Time counts without a warning to us.

 10. I love to swim on Saturday.


Literature: The Setting

   When and where a story takes place is called the setting. Also the setting tells you the place, time, physical details, and environment in which the characters interact.

   The outcome of the story can be changed if the setting is changed. The story is not the same when you take the characters and move them to a different place with a different environment.


Analyze the paragraph and answer the questions.

One rainy day, last year in Florida, I was going to the store and I saw an
accident. The person went to the hospital and I checked them, they were okay.

   1. Where did this paragraph happen?


   2. When did this happen?


   3. What was the weather like?


   4. Where was the person going in the paragraph?


   5. Where do you think the person talking was to see an accident?




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   A setting is something all stories have. A setting tells more than just a name of place. More descriptions of the setting helps the read get a visual idea of the setting in the story. The story may take place in a far away country but the author can use the words to make it feel real and believable.

   Some authors can even describe looks, feels, and smells of a particular place. This helps the reader to see why a character acts in a certain way.


Check the correct answer to the questions.

   1. To find out the setting of a story what is the best questions to ask?

   __ Who and where?

   __ How and where?

   __ When and where?


   2. When the setting is changed what happens to the story?

   __ The story would be changed.

   __ Only the title of story would change.

   __ The story would be the same.


   3. Which one is the setting?

   __ He likes to keep his house clean.

   __ It was a sunny day at the beach.

   __ When are going to the mall?

Describe the setting in this photo. Include sights, smells, and sounds.




Describe the setting in the story "The Interview"



Describe the setting of your home last year.






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Writing: Likes and Dislikes

Directions: try to express yourself using the phrases “I like….” and “I dislike….”

   Example: I like trying new things.

   Example: I dislike running.


   1. _________________ swimming in a pool.

   2. _________________ swimming in the ocean.

   3. _________________ playing basketball.

   4. _________________ playing soccer.

   5. _________________ shopping.

   6. _________________ listening to music.

   7. _________________ talking on the phone.

   8. _________________ singing.

   9. _________________ washing my car.

 10. _________________ going to the movies.

 11. _________________ exercising.

 12. _________________ eating at restaurants.

 13. _________________ reading novels.

 14. _________________ dreaming at night.

 15. _________________ waiting in line.




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Expressing Yourself

Try to complete the following expressions about yourself.


   1) I dream about ______________________________________________.

   2) I think about _______________________________________________.

   3) I am afraid of ______________________________________________.

   4) I am interested in ___________________________________________.

   5) On the weekends I like to _____________________________________.

   6) I am good at _______________________________________________.

   7) I am not good at ____________________________________________.

   8) I am glad when _____________________________________________.

   9) I am sad when _____________________________________________.

 10) I don’t believe ______________________________________________.

 11) I have difficulty with __________________________________________.

 12) I laugh when _______________________________________________.

 13) I cry when _________________________________________________.

 14) I get angry when ____________________________________________.

 15) I love it when _______________________________________________.


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