L  a  G r a n  E n c i c l o p e d i a   I l u s t r a d a  d e l   P r o y e c t o  S a l ó n  H o g a r

Can we play tennis?


1.- Vocabulary

Free time activities

Free time: tiempo libre
Hobby: pasatiempo
Dancing: bailar
Walking: andar
Skiing: esquiar
Playing football: jugar el fútbol
Playing tennis: jugar el tenis
Listening to music: escuchar música
Watching TV: ver la televisión
Taking photographs: sacar fotos
Cooking: cocinar
Sailing: velar
Painting: pintar
Swimming: nadar
Reading: leer
Writing: escribir
Eating in restaurants: comer en restaurantes
Going to the cinema: ir al cine
Going out with friends: salir con amigos
Sunbathing: tomar el sol
Playing cards: jugar a las cartas
Fishing: pescar

To like: Gustar
To love: Encantar
To fancy: Apetecer
To enjoy: Disfrutar
To hate: Odiar
To be interested in: Estar interesado en
To have a good time: Pasarlo bien
To look forward to: Tener ganas de hacer algo
To can’t stand: No aguantar
To get bored: Aburrirse


1.A.- Practice

Write the following hobbies in order of preference. (1 is your favourite, 5 is your least favourite).

a) skiing
b) swimming
c) reading
d) listening to music
e) eating in restaurants


2.- Grammar: Verb + ing

In English, you can put two verbs together in a sentence.

I fancy going to the cinema
You like swimming in the sea

The second verb can go in the infinitive or the gerund (verb + ing). Here are some examples of verb + gerund:

I enjoy swimming
We love sailing
They hate listening to classical music.

Here are some verbs that are followed by verb+ing (gerund):

To love
To like
To dislike
To hate
To enjoy
To fancy
To can’t stand
To finish
To start
To consider
To stop
To look forward to
To be interested in

Some sentences:

My aunty loves playing cards.
In the evening I stop reading my book at midnight.
We are interested in learning to swim.
He can’t stand watching football.
My grandparents dislike eating in restaurants.


2.A.- Practice

Complete each sentence with one of the following verbs.

To work / To play / To listen / To write / To go / To learn / To fish

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3.- Reading

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3.A.- Practice

3.A.1.- Who are the sentences about?

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3.A.2.- Correct the mistakes in the sentences

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