
Mapas, Maps
Antarctic Region

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90 E 0 90 W 180 Bouvet Island South Georgia and the (administered by U.K., Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (administered by U.K., McDonald Islands South Sandwich Islands Heard Island and French Southern and Antarctic Lands claimed by ARGENTINA) claimed by ARGENTINA) Drake Passage Weddell Sea Amery Ice Shelf Ross Ice Shelf Ronne Ice Shelf average minimum extent of sea ice Ross Sea Bellingshausen Sea Amundsen Sea O c e a n O c e a n Southern Ocean Southern Ocean Southern Ocean S o u t h P a c i f i c O c e a n S o u t h P a c i f i c I n d i a n O c e a n S o u t h A t l a n t i c Ice Shelf Larsen Ice Shelf Shackleton Scotia Sea CHILE ARGENTINA SOUTH AFRICA (AUSTRALIA) (FRANCE) (SOUTH AFRICA) (RUSSIA) (JAPAN) (AUSTRALIA) (SOUTH AFRICA) (RUSSIA) (AUSTRALIA) (RUSSIA) (RUSSIA) (FRANCE) (AUSTRALIA) (AUSTRALIA) (NEW ZEALAND) (NEW ZEALAND) (CHINA) (RUSSIA) (FRANCE AND ITALY) A U S T R A L I A NEW ZEALAND (NEW ZEALAND) (NEW ZEALAND) (U.S.) (N.Z.) (ARGENTINA) (ARGENTINA) (U.S.) (GERMANY) (INDIA) (NORWAY) ANTARCTIC REGION FRENCH CLAIM Macquarie Island Mirnyy Dumont d'Urville Scott Island Year-round research station CHATHAM ISLANDS BALLENY ISLANDS PRINCE EDWARD ISLANDS ÎLES CROZET ÎLES KERGUELEN CLAIM CHILEAN a station on King George Island. Peter I Island Argentina, Brazil, Chile, China, Poland, Russia, South Korea, Uruguay each have 803121AI (R02207) 3-05 1000 Kilometers 1000 Miles 500 500 0 0 Azimuthal Equal-Area Projection San Martin Rothera Marambio Arturo Prat Palmer Peninsula Antarctic NORWEGIAN CLAIM Tasmania Mawson Davis Casey McMurdo Amundsen-Scott Belgrano II Orcadas CLAIM BRITISH enlargement South Pole 2800 m. Scale 1:68,000,000 Canberra Wellington Hobart Adelaide Sydney SOUTH ORKNEY ISLANDS SHETLAND Ushuaia SOUTH ISLANDS Christchurch Melbourne Campbell Island SNARES ISLANDS AUCKLAND ISLANDS ARGENTINE CLAIM undefined limit Port Elizabeth North Island South Island Vernadsky O'Higgins Bernardo Scott Halley(U.K.) Neumayer Maitri SANAE IV Molodezhnaya Zhong Shan Progress Vostok Concordia Syowa Land Land Land Enderby Land Land Mac. Robertson Queen Maud Land Marie Byrd Ellsworth Vinson Massif Bentley Subglacial Trench Palmer Victoria Land Land Graham Novolazarevskaya Esperanza area of (highest point in Antarctica, 4897 m) (lowest point in Antarctica, -2540 m) Twenty-one of 28 Antarctic consultative nations have made no claims to Antarctic territory (although Russia and the United States have reserved the right to do so) and they do not recognize the claims of the other nations. (ARGENTINA) (ARGENTINA) (CHILE) (CHILE) (U.S.) (ARGENTINA) (U.K.) (UKRAINE)
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