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Points: CHILE B R A Z I L URUGUAY PARAGUAY BOLIVIA COLOMBIA ECUADOR SURINAME PERU PANAMA NICARAGUA COSTA RICA HONDURAS TRINIDAD AND GUYANA BARBADOS (FRANCE) TOBAGO THE GRENADINES ST. LUCIA GRENADA Martinique VENEZUELA (CHILE) (CHILE) (CHILE) (COLOMBIA) (COLOMBIA) ST. VINCENT AND (FRANCE) French Guiana (NETH.) (NETH.) Aruba Antilles Netherlands Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (administered by U.K., South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (administered by U.K., claimed by ARGENTINA) claimed by ARGENTINA) ARGENTINA 80 60 40 20 0 20 100 40 0 20 40 80 60 40 Lago Titicaca N o r t h A t l a n t i c O c e a n S o u t h A t l a n t i c O c e a n S o u t h P a c i f i c O c e a n Caribbean Sea Maracaibo Cali Guayaquil Recife Salvador São Paulo Rio de Janeiro Córdoba Rosario Pôrto Alegre Horizonte Antofagasta Concepción Puerto Montt Mendoza La Plata San Miguel de Tucumán Arica Santa Cruz Cochabamba Arequipa Manaus Natal Fortaleza Santarém Cusco Iquitos Trujillo Huánuco Piura Cartagena Barranquilla Ciudad Curitiba Teresina Ushuaia Punta Arenas Valparaíso Bahía Blanca Medellín Caracas Georgetown Paramaribo Cayenne Quito Lima La Paz Asunción Santiago Buenos Aires Montevideo Stanley Port-of-Spain Boa Vista Macapá Belém São Luís Velho Pôrto Branco Rio Goiânia Brasília Cúcuta Valencia Barquisimeto Río Gallegos Campo Grande Uberlândia Belo Salta Santa Fe Maceió Bogotá Panama San José Managua Tegucigalpa Santos Florianópolis San Cristóbal Guayana Vitória Iquique Resistencia Salto Sucre Potosí San Carlos de Bariloche Comodoro Rivadavia Cuiabá Trinidad Mar del Plata not necessarily authoritative. Azimuthal Equal-Area Projection Boundary representation is Scale 1:35,000,000 0 0 500 Miles 500 Kilometers 803053AI (R02108) 3-04 SOUTH AMERICA Cerro Aconcagua (highest point in South America, 6962 m) MATO GROSSO A M A Z O N B A S I N PLATEAU ARCHIPIÉLAGO JUAN FERNÁNDEZ B R A Z I L I A N H I G H L A N D S Isla San Félix Isla San Ambrosio Isla de Malpelo Isla de San Andrés Laguna del Carbón (lowest point in South America and the Western Hemisphere, -105 m) Cape Horn |