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The natural numbers:  Cardinal and ordinal

Parts of natural numbers

Parts, plural

The ratio of natural numbers

The names of the fractions


The theorem of the alternate proportion

The theorem of the same multiple

Similar figures

TRIGONOMETERY is the study of triangles. The name literally means measurement of triangles.  It is based on the study of right triangles, which are triangles that have a right angle, and with the ratios-- the relationships -- of their sides. Trigonometry therefore begins with the study of ratio and proportion.

Natural numbers:  cardinal and ordinal

The natural numbers are the counting numbers.  They have two forms, cardinal and ordinal. The cardinal forms are

One, two, three, four, etc.

They answer the question How much? or  How many?.  The ordinal forms are

First, second, third, fourth, etc.

They answer the question Which one?.

Parts of natural numbers

We say that a smaller number is a part of a larger number if the larger number is a multiple of the smaller.

Here are the multiples of 5:

5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, etc.

5 is the first multiple of 5.  10 is the second multiple;  15, the third; and so on.

5 is a part of each one of those (except itself).  Since 15, for example, is the third multiple of 5, we say that 5 is the third part of 15.  We use that same ordinal number to name the part.

Similarly, 5 is the fourth part of 20.  It is the fifth part of 25; the sixth part of 30.  And so on.

5 is which part of 10?  We do not say the second part. We say half.  5 is half of 10.

It is important to understand that we are not speaking here of proper fractions -- numbers that are less than 1, and that we use for measuring. We are explaining how the ordinal numbers -- third, fourth, fifth, etc. -- name the parts of the cardinal numbers.  We will come to those fractional symbols shortly.

Note that 5 is not a part of itself.  There is no such thing as the first part.

So, with the exception of the name half, the parts are named with ordinal numbers.  Each ordinal number tells which part.

(See Skill in Arithmetic, Lesson 14.)

Problem 1.   7 is which part of 28?    The fourth.

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Problem 2.   Which part of 45 is 9?   The fifth.

Problem 3.   6 is which part of 12?    Half.

Problem 4.   What number is the eighth part of 24?    3

Problem 5.   3 is the tenth part of what number?    30

Parts, plural

15 divided into thirds. 5 + 5 + 5

The figure shows that each 5 is a third part of 15, and so we say that 15 has been divided into thirds, that is, into three equal pieces.

5,  10,  15.

Therefore, 10 -- which is two 5's -- is two third parts of 15. One third. Two thirds.

Now, 10 is not a part of 15, because 15 is not a multiple of 10.  We say that it is parts, plural:  Two third parts, or simply two thirds.  Those words are to be taken literally.

Similarly, if we divide 15 into its fifths,

15 divided into fifths. 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3


3 is the fifth part of 15.

6 is two fifth parts of 15.

9 is three fifth parts of 15.  (Count them!)

12 is four fifth parts of 15, or simply four fifths.

And 15 is all five of its fifth parts.

The ratio of natural numbers

Definition.  The ratio of two natural numbers is their relationship with respect to relative size which we can express in words. Specifically, it is their relationship in which one number is a multiple of the other (so many times it), a part of it, or parts of it.

(Skill in Arithmetic, Lesson 16.)

Example 1.  Multiple   What ratio has 15 to 5?

Answer.  15 is three times 5.

That is the ratio -- the relationship -- of 15 to 5.

We do not answer "3 to 1," because we want to name the ratio of 15 to 5 explicitly.  It is true that 15 is to 5 in the same ratio as 3 is to 1.  3 is three times 1, just as 15 is three times 5.

The two numbers in a ratio are called the terms; the first term and the second.

Notice that we answer with a complete sentence beginning with the first term:  "15 is three times 5."  For, a ratio is a relationship.

Example 2.  Part   What ratio has 5 to 15?

Answer.  5 is the third part of 15.

That is the inverse ratio of 15 to 5.  The terms are exchanged.

Example 3.  Parts   What ratio has 10 to 15?

Answer.  10 is two thirds of 15.

15 divided into thirds. 5 + 5 + 5

These are the three types of ratio: One number is a multiple of the other -- so many times it -- a part of it, or parts of it.

Problem 6.   What ratio have the following?  Answer with a complete sentence beginning with the first term.

a)   2 to 10?   2 is the fifth part of 10.

  b)  10 to 2?     10 is five times 2.  A larger number will be so many times a smaller.

c)   7 to 1?   7 is seven times 1.

d)   1 to 7?   1 is the seventh part of 7.

e)   25 to 100?   25 is the fourth part of 100.

f)   75 to 100?   75 is three fourths of 100.

g)   12 to 6?   12 is two times 6, or twice as much as 6, or double 6.

h)   6 to 12?   6 is half of 12.

The names of the fractions

In English, the fractions are named the same as the ratio of the
numerator to the denominator.  The number we write as 1 over 3 --  1

is called "one-third" because of the ratio of 1 to 3.  1 is one third of 3.

It is for this reason that fractions are called rational numbers. Their names are the same as the ratio of two natural numbers.

Fractional symbols may therefore be regarded as ratio symbols, in that they signify the ratio of the numerator to the denominator.

 =  2
 =   5 
 =   9 
, etc.

1 is to 2  as  2 is to 4  as  5 is to 10, etc.

Those are equivalent fractions;  for, each numerator is half of its denominator.

  Example 4.   What is the missing term?     5 
 =  8

Answer.  5 is the third part of 15, and 8 is the third part of 24.

  Problem 7.   What is the missing term?    63
 =  14

63 is seven times 9.  And 14 is seven times 2.


A proportion is a statement that two ratios are the same.

5 is to 15  as  8 is to 24.

5 is the third part of 15, just as 8 is the third part of 24.

We will now introduce this symbol  5 : 15  to signify the ratio of 5 to 15.  A proportion will then appear as follows:

5 : 15 = 8 : 24

"5 is to 15  as  8 is to 24."

Example 5.   12 : 2 = 42 : 7.  ("12 is to 2  as  42 is to 7.")

Why is this a proportion?

Answer.  Because 12 is six times 2, just as 42 is six times 7.

Problem 8.   Complete this proportion,  3 : 12 = 7 : ?

28.  3 is the fourth part of 12, and 7 is the fourth part of 28.

The theorem of the alternate proportion

The numbers in a proportion are called the terms:  the 1st, the 2nd, the 3rd, and the 4th.

1st : 2nd = 3rd : 4th

We say that the 1st and the 3rd are corresponding terms, as are the 2nd and the 4th.

The following is the theorem of the alternate proportion:

     If four numbers are proportional,
then the corresponding terms are also proportional. That is, as the first term
is to the third, so the second will be
to the fourth.
  a : b = m : n,
then, alternately,
  a : m = b : n.


1 : 3 = 5 : 15,

then alternately,

1 : 5 = 3 : 15.

(Skill in Arithmetic:  Lesson 17, Question 2.)

The theorem of the same multiple

Let us complete this proportion,

4 : 5 = 12 : ?

Now, 4 is four fifths of 5  (" 4
") , but it is not obvious of what number

12 is four fifths.

Alternately, however, 4 is a third of 12 -- or we could say that 4 has been multiplied by 3.  Therefore 5 also must be multiplied by 3,

4 : 5 = 12 : 15

That is,

4 : 5 = 3 × 4 : 3 × 5

4 is to 5 as 3 times 4 is to 3 times 5.

As one 4 is to one 5, so any number of 4's will be to an equal number of 5's.  Three 4's are four fifths of three 5's.

This is the theorem of the same multiple.

If two numbers are multiplied by the same number,
then the products will have the same ratio
as the numbers multiplied.


a : b = ma : mb.

In arithmetic and algebra, this appears as the principle of equivalent fractions:

 =  ma

Example 6.   Complete this proportion, 5 : 8 = 35 : ?

Answer.  Look at it alternately.  35 is seven times 5.  Therefore the missing term will be seven times 8, which is 56.

Problem 9.   Complete this proportion,  4 : 9 = 24 : ?

54.  The term corresponding to 4 is 6 × 4.  Therefore, the missing term must be 6 × 9.

We shall often make use of this basic property of the square root radical:

A radical multiplied by itself

produces the radicand.

(See the next topic, Radicals.)

2.  For, has been multiplied by ; therefore 2 also must be multiplied by .

Example 8.   Solve this proportion:  8 : 12 = 2 : ?

Answer.  To produce 2,  8 has been divided by 4.  Therefore 12 also must be divided by 4.

8 : 12 = 2 : 3

The theorem of the same multiple implies that, inversely, we may divide both terms by the same number.

Example 9.   Solve this proportion:  8 : 9 = 5 : ?

Answer.  What must we do to 8 to make it into 5?

We must divide it by 8, and multiply by 5 -- that is, we must multiply

  by  5
8·   5
 = 5
Therefore, we must also multiply 9 by  5
9·   5
 =  45

And so,

8 : 9 = 5 :  45

Problem 11.   Multiply a so that it becomes b.

a·  b
 = b

Problem 12.   Complete this proportion:  p : q = r : ?

p : q = r qr
p·  r
 = r.  Therefore, q·  r
 =  qr

(As for the method of cross-multiplying, that is an algebraic method which is taught in order to avoid teaching ratio and proportion verbally.  It stems from a 19th century resistance to language in mathematics.)

Similar figures

Geometry is the study of figures.

Similar figures are equiangular, and the sides that make the equal angles are proportional.

Thus, to say that figures ABCDE,  PQRST are similar, is to say that the angle at A is equal to the angle at P,  the angle at B is equal to the angle at Q, etc.;  and, proportionally, as AB is to BC, so PQ is to QR.

And so on, for each pair of equal angles and the sides that make them.

Example 10.   Let triangles HJK, LMN be similar, and let HJ = 2 in, HK = 4 in, and JK = 5 in. How long are LN and MN?

Answer.  Since HJ is half of HK, then LM will also be half of LN. Therefore, LN is 16 in.

Next, since HJ is two fifths of JK, then LM is also two fifths of MN: 8 is two fifths of 20.

How to know that?  8 is 4 × 2.  And 4 × 5 is 20.

Example 11.   In the similar triangles below, let HJ = 3 cm,  JK = 5 cm,  KH = 4 cm, and LM = 6 cm.  How long are MN and LN?

Answer.  We have

HJ : JK = LM : MN

and therefore, alternately,

HJ : LM = JK : MN.

That is

3 : 6 = 5 : 10.

MN = 10 cm.

Similarly, LN will be twice as long as HK.   LN will be 8 cm.

In other words, since the side corresponding to HJ has been multiplied by 2, every side will be multiplied by 2.  This is the theorem of the same multiple.

Problem 13.   Triangles ABC, DEF are similar.

AB = 6 cm,  BC = 11 cm,  CA = 7 in, and DE = 18 cm.  How long are DF and EF?

The side corresponding to AB has been multiplied by 3. Therefore every side will be multiplied by 3.  DF = 21 cm, and EF = 33 cm.

Next Topic:  Radicals:  Rational and Irrational Numbers

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