Did or Made

P r o y e c t o   S a l ó n   H o g a r


Click the answer button to see the answer.

  1. She ___ her homework last night.
    a. did
    b. made

  2. Tom ___ the dishes after dinner.
    a. did
    b. made

  3. My mother ___ the beds this morning.
    a. did
    b. made

  4. I rang the dentist and ___ an appointment for Saturday morning.
    a. did
    b. made

  5. The children got up early and ___ breakfast for me.
    a. did
    b. made

  6. I ___ the exercises for homeowork.
    a. did
    b. made

  7. She ___ a good job helping us.
    a. did
    b. made

  8. I felt really bad when I ___ that mistake in class today.
    a. did
    b. made

  9. The man ___ the phone call at around 6:00.
    a. did
    b. made

  10. He ___ the ironing and she washed the children.
    a. did
    b. made

  11. I ___ dinner for 6:00 not 8:30.
    a. did
    b. made

w w w . p r o y e c t o s a l o n h o g a r . c o m